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New Collagenase Treatment Dissolves Body Fat without Surgery

From his extensive experience as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon based in Los Angeles area, Dr. Michael Omidi knows that many patients tend to seek out ever more natural-looking results while opting for minimally-invasive procedures. Given this trend, it comes as no surprise that many new treatments utilize naturally-occurring substances to produce spectacular effects without surgical intervention. One such substance called collagenase has been generating quite a buzz lately due to its astounding fat-burning properties.

A naturally-occurring enzyme that can be found all over the human body, collagenase works by breaking up the connections between fat cells. When injected into target areas such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs, collagenase effectively dissolves pockets of fat. Once broken down, the remaining fat is then absorbed by the body.

At this point, injectable collagenase is already being marketed for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease and Dupuytren’s contracture. With regards to its fat-dissolving properties, however, the treatment is still undergoing FDA-approved clinical investigations. Thus far, researchers have been principally focusing their efforts on ascertaining the efficacy of collagenase in the treatment of lipomas, benign fatty tumors that present as soft lumps under the skin. The treatment involves injection of the collagenase mixed with saline into the lipoma and typically yields observable shrinkage of the tumor within weeks.

Given the fact that lipomas consist of normal body fat, however, the treatment has a veritable potential to revolutionize the field of plastic surgery allowing for a safe and non-intrusive way to melt body fat. According to Dr. Zachary Gerut, a principal investigator of collagenase clinical trials conducted at the Vanderbilt University, this substance is “found all over the human body, we’re just putting a little bit extra in a certain spot to get rid of the fat” [1]. As such, collagenase injections may prove to highly appealing to patients seeking to get rid of excess fat while not willing to undergo surgical procedures such as abdominoplasty or liposuction.

Seeking to accommodate patients who may not need surgery, Dr. Omidi constantly keeps up with the latest developments in non-intrusive cosmetic procedures. He would love to hear your thoughts regarding this particular injectable treatment. Let us know whether you’d consider the collagenase injections for nonsurgical fat reduction once it receives the FDA approval.